Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Goals

It's been such a long time since i last wrote in this thing. one quarter ago exactly. i am such a lagger but i will get on it because someone told me to write in it, and its the new year that prompts for a new entry.

I was talking to Czareine about blogging and new years resolutions. She was talking about how she doesn't really make resolutions and rather she makes herself new year goals. New Year Resolutions are more personal promises. She mentioned that she didn't want to make promises to her self if she knew she couldn't really keep them and would rather make goals for herself for the new year. Thus, why I am making New Year Goals rather than New Year Resolutions. So here they are as follow, in no particular order:

1. SAVE MONEY. it seems so cliche in such an economic time like this, but it's more than making sure I have money if something does happen. Its also based on self discipline and working on not over indulgence. It was so easy for me to have money in my account when pay day came around and just blowing it left and right. Vegas trip here, a night at the bars there. Boiling Crab here, Korean BBQ there. While I did have the "money" to spend, I had to really think if i HAD the money to do that. I really work on cutting down on my luxuries and trying to have extra cash in my bank account at the end of the month.

2. Cutting down on Alcohol. As bad as i may sound, to cut down all alcohol consumption would be unrealistic. That is why my goal is to cut down on my alcohol consumption. By how much? I am not sure, Ill determine that through out the year, but that could include not going out to the bars as much, not ordering drinks at restaurants, and having beer and wine over hard alcohol. I know this personal goal will benefit me in many ways. One, it will help me with the above goal of saving money because alcohol is expensive. Two, it will definitely improve my health. I was watching the show 30 Days about how a mom goes binge drinking for 30 days to prove to her daughter the effects of binge drinking. What got me the most was hearing her daughter "defend" her binge drinking and hearing it from an outside perspective, it sounded ridiculous. But I'm still down to have a couple nights of fun here and there.

3. Be a scholar. For 2010, as I finish up my last quarters at UCI, I want to make sure that I become a scholar, and not just a good student. I started off this school year on a good foot making Dean's Honors List and I want to continue through 2010 with this. In other aspects of being a scholar, I want to do more than just do well in my school classes. I also want to educate myself more in the field that I am studying, Public Health, but also educate myself more about the world around me and what is going on with current events. And no, Perez Hilton does not count.

4. Improve myself as a dancer. As this is my last year on MCIA, I hope to use this year to really try to improve as a dancer by putting in as much effort as I can into practices. I am not going to measure my success as a "good dancer" by how many pieces im blocked into or where I am blocked into, but how I feel after I perform, knowing I looked my best and tried my hardest. So MCIA, if you see me not talking to you or antisocial when were practicing...its probably because I am trying to focus. BTDubs.

5. Improve my relationships with people. NO, not that I have any drama with people, but rather I want to build stronger relationships with my current friends, family and relationships. I kind of borrowed this from Jamie Arcinas from her new year resolutions. As i am leaving college and entering the working world, our social networks kind of diminish. We don't tend to "make friends" as easily or as much as we did in college. However, I want to be able to embrace the relationships I already have and truly build on top of them. But you guys gotta help me out on this too. I want to also spend more time at home home with my family and be able to share different aspects of my life with them.

6. From my experiences in 2010, hopefully be able to get a job once 2011 comes around. That's it. Self Explanatory.

I am looking forward to 2010. It seems like a great year is ahead of me, and I hope that with my new year goals, it will be one of the best years I have lived.