Monday, July 21, 2008

Lesson Learned

Here are some things i learned from CPing SPOP 3 and going to SPOP NOR CAL

  • I have the greatest support system with SPOP -- as "chill" as the job as CP may have seemed, i find myself being stressed at certain points of the day because i felt like i had nothing to do, but had so much to do at the same time. There were so many worries and concerns that i had, i just kind took the job as it came and kind of went with the flow and took care . if you know the type of person that i am, i like to at least have some sort of set schedule and have it written down for me. Of course, we had our CP folder, but it still didn't seem defined for me. It was something i was not familiar with and trying to think about all the things i needed to do or tell the kids really stressed me out. Luckily, i had an amazing group of staffers to help me through the process. Thank you to angie b, regina, sarah, and esther chong for being such an amazing group of staffers. I would really like to give a special thank you for jeff fong. i really can't thank you or express how much i appreciate how you have helped me. I know it may seem like you didnt do much, but to me, you kept me sane. I knew i could turn to you for anything but that i really didnt have to ask you for anything, because i knew you already knew what to do and you did it so well. And it wasn't just my staffers in my hall, it was basically all the golden shirts that were at SPOP 3. I knew i could turn to you guys no matter what with my worries and concerns and i could lean on you guys for support. Wes, you really are amazing. You are an amazing person to talk to and im glad we made the first ever SPOP HALL ROMANCE. i love wes. =]
  • The REAL purpose of why i staff SPOP: being CP, i really realized even more the main reason why i do this program. i remember that i kept telling myself..."you're doing it with for the spoppers, you are doing it for the spoppers,". I kept telling myself that because i felt like all the sweat and effort i put into this progam didn't go into effect. Most of my worries as CP came from whether these kids will be excited for UCI, let alone, even have fun. i guess, after writing this, it wasnt the duties of CP that stressed me out, it was the spoppers that stressed me out. Believe it or not, it was making sure they were okay that stressed me out the most. After touch game, when the kids said, "I had a really good time and am excited for UCI because we had the best staffers," it was then i was able to let out a big sigh of relief and told myself "nick, you did your job, and you did it well, congrats".
  • embracing connections you have with people...I really enjoy having my personal times with people. I would take those times over any crazy parties any time. i really love to genuinely talk to people and getting to know them and learning about their life. I especially go to do that after going to NOR CAL with spop heads. having a special connection with that someone that makes your friendship unique from other friendships and something only you and that other person can share. Even something as simple as making eye contact and feeling that connection you have with that other person makes it so special.
  • taking time for yourself...sometimes you really need to step out of the loop and take the time to have to yourself and reflect. its important to realize that you don't always need to be in the circle and that there are times where you do need to step back. its that whole step up and step down thing. in order to help others, you truly need to help yourself first. you need that time to yourself to re-boost and re-energize and focus on your ultimate purpose not only in the current situation, but as well as in your own life.
  • realizing your self worth..its so true when people say that you are your own worst critique. i don't give myself credit sometimes. its hard for me to see it because i really don't give myself enough credit, but yeah. I should realize my self-worth.

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